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قالب:ESO Story Chart/Rift

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لا يوجد ملخص تحرير
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| |RIFTT| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |RIFTT='''[[Online:The Rift|The Rift]]'''|border_RIFTT=1px solid lightgray;|boxstyle_RIFTT=background:transparent;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |Q| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| |RIbts|-|RIunr|-|RIsth|-|RItvw| | | | | | | | | | |RIbts=[[Online:Beneath the Stone|Beneath the Stone]]|RIunr=[[Online:Unearthed|Unearthed]]|RIsth=[[Online:Storming the Hall|Storming the Hall]]|RItvw=[[Online:To Vernim Woods|To Vernim Woods]]|border_RItvw=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |S|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|Z| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f57162| |RIdun|-|RIgwm|-|RItts|-|RItnt| | | | | | | | | | |RIdun=[[Online:Dangerous Union|Dangerous Union]]|RIgwm=[[Online:Gift of the Worm|Gift of the Worm]]|RItts=[[Online:Through the Shroud|Through the Shroud]]|RItnt=[[Online:To Nimalten|To Nimalten]]|border_RItts=2px solid #00FFC0;|boxstyle_RItnt=background:#f5dbd8;|border_RItnt=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |S|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|Z| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| |RIcwp|-|RIppc| | |RIchk| |RIgrv| | | | | | | | | |RIcwp=[[Online:Concealed Weapons|Concealed Weapons]]|RIppc=[[Online:Pinepeak Caverns|Pinepeak Caverns]]|RIchk=[[Online:Calling Hakra|Calling Hakra]]|RIgrv=[[Online:A Grave Situation|A Grave Situation]]|border_RIppc=1px dotted;|boxstyle_RIchk=background:transparent;|border_RIchk=1px dotted;|boxstyle_RIgrv=background:transparent;|border_RIgrv=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | | | | | |H|P|P|P|P|Z| | |S|Z| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f57162| | | | | |RItbm| | | | | |RItsg| | | | | | | | | | |RItbm=[[Online:Tomb Beneath the Mountain|Tomb Beneath the Mountain]]|RItsg=[[Online:The Shackled Guardian|The Shackled Guardian]]}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | | |F|~|h|7|`|-|-|v|-|-|'|F|h|~|~|7| | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | | |:| |RIttv| | |!| | | |RItpp| |:| | | | | | | |RIttv=[[Online:To Taarengrav|To Taarengrav]]|RItpp=[[Online:To Pinepeak Caverns|To Pinepeak Caverns]]|boxstyle_RIttv=background:#f5dbd8;|border_RIttv=1px dotted;|boxstyle_RItpp=background:transparent;|border_RItpp=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | | |:|,|-|-|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|-|-|-|.|:| | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |RIhrt| | | | | |!| | | | | | |RItht| | |RIswu| |RItht=[[Online:To Honrich Tower|To Honrich Tower]]|RIswu=[[Online:The Shards of Wuuthrad|The Shards of Wuuthrad]]|RIhrt=[[Online:Honrich Tower (quest)|Honrich Tower]]|boxstyle_RItht=background:#f5dbd8;|border_RItht=1px dotted;|boxstyle_RIswu=background:#transparent;|border_RIswu=1px dotted;|boxstyle_RIhrt=background:#transparent;|border_RIhrt=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | | |Y|P|P|P|P|P|T|!|S|P|P|P|P|P|P|W|P|P|P|P|Z| | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f57162| | | | | | | | | |RIshp| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |RIshp=[[Online:Shattered Hopes|Shattered Hopes]]|border_RIshp=2px solid #00FFC0;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|'| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| |RIgsp|P|RIihw|-|RIpul|-|RIttk| | | | | | | | | | |RIgsp=[[Online:A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks|A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks]]|RIihw=[[Online:In His Wake|In His Wake]]|RIpul=[[Online:Pulled Under|Pulled Under]]|RIttk=[[Online:To the King|To the King]]|border_RIgsp=1px dotted;|border_RIttk=1px dotted;}}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f5dbd8| | |S|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|Z| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{chart|border=1px solid; |boxstyle=background:#f57162| |RIstp|-|RIssm| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |RIwcs| |RIstp=[[Online:Securing the Pass|Securing the Pass]]|RIssm=[[Online:Stomping Sinmur|Stomping Sinmur]]|RIwcs=[[Online:Worm Cult Summoner|Worm Cult Summoner]]|border_RIssm=2px solid #00FFC0;|boxstyle_RIwcs=background:#c3c3c3;}}

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