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Lore:Ansei Shrine

تم إضافة ٥٢٠ بايت, ٠٨:٠٠، ١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #523: Standardize book pages
{{Lore Book
|description=A monument commemorating the birthplace of Ansei Maja
This grand monument, sculpted by the most talented artist, {{Lore Link|Jamshald Lainlyn}}, was erected here in the {{Year|2E 102|one hundred and second year}} of the {{Lore Link|Second Era}} to honor the esteemed {{Lore Link|Ansei}}, and to commemorate the birthplace of {{Lore Link|Ansei Maja}}, may she ever watch over the {{Lore Link|Alik'r Desert|Alik'r desert}} and protect us all from the threat of the vile arts.
{{Book End}}
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