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Lore:Ghosts of Glenumbra

تم إضافة ٢٬٥٧٧ بايت, ٠٠:٣٢، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #512: For consistency with Book Footer
{{Lore Book
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Jean Dutheil|Jean Dutheil]]
|description=A dissertation on the haunting of Glenumbra
{{Lore Link|Glenumbra}} is notorious for being haunted. It is important to explain what I mean by haunted. Not every {{Lore Link|undead}} is a haunt. Only {{Lore Link|ghost}}s can cause a haunting. Ghosts are the spirits of people who were once alive as you or I. When they died, they refused to leave.

(If at any point you experience the dark effects of {{Lore Link|necromancy}}, know that this is not a haunting and should be reported to the proper authorities.)

Everyone in Glenumbra has a tale to tell about a spook, spectre, or haunt. You need only ask.

Without a doubt the most haunted place in Glenumbra are the moors northwest of {{Lore Link|Aldcroft}}. As everyone knows, this was the site of the {{Lore Link|Battle of Glenumbria Moors}} in the {{Lore Link|First Era}}. This great battle saw the near-simultaneous destruction of both the {{Lore Link|Alessian Order|ONlink=ON:Alessian Order (faction)}} and the {{Lore Link|Direnni}} Elves on one field of battle. Such a tragedy suffuses this place with spectral energy. Wandering the moors, many travelers report hearing the sounds of conflict in the distance.

The second most haunted place in Glenumbra is directly related to the first. {{Lore Link|Cath Bedraud}} and the burial mounds surrounding began as a mass grave for the fallen soldiers of the battle of {{Lore Link|Glenumbria Moors}}. It is advised that you do not stray into the cemetery during times of heavy fog. Ghostly lights and moans have been reported there.

While some consider the woodlands of {{Lore Link|Daenia}} to be haunted, this is actually a misconception. Many spirits of nature, including the fame Guardians, inhabit the vale and forest. These are not ghosts, for they were never people. These creatures were born as spirits and should be treated with the respect they deserve.

Hearkening from Glenumbra's past of feudal division, the countryside is dotted with ruins and castles, each of which you could probably find someone to tell you a spooky story about. In particular, the ruins of {{Lore Link|Baelborne Rock}} and {{Lore Link|Dresan Keep}} have many a local legend surrounding them.

Of all the haunted sites in Glenumbra, I would give strongest caution against a trip to the village of {{Lore Link|Westtry}}. Westtry suffered from some form of terrible magical event that has left it infested with the undead. It is not safe, nor would I suggest anyone go ghost hunting there.
{{Book End}}
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