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Lore:Oathbreakers of Ouze

تم إضافة ٨٨٩ بايت, ٠٠:٥٢، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #512: For consistency with Book Footer
{{Lore Book
|description=A description of the Oathbreakers, Bosmer who disagree with the Green Pact
The secret of {{Lore Link|Ouze}} is now clear. The {{Lore Link|Bosmer}}, it appears, did not all accede to the {{Lore Link|Green Pact}}. Something happened ... civil war? A disagreement between their {{Lore Link|gods}}? It does not matter. One contingent of the Wood Elves lost to the other.

As punishment for their refusal to give up their powerful shapeshifting abilities, these Bosmer, called "{{Lore Link|Oathbreakers}}" by the rest, were subdued and buried in Ouze. We can only hope they were buried alive; the corpses are more likely to be fresh and intact that way. Digging in the tar-pits should render us one of the greatest finds in recent history, putting us ahead of even the great discovery of {{Lore Link|Stillrise Village}} in {{Lore Link|Shadowfen}}.
{{Book End}}
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