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Lore:A Royal Embarrassment

تم إضافة ٢٬١٧٤ بايت, ٠٧:٥٩، ١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #523: Standardize book pages
{{Lore Book
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Aemilianus Falto|Aemilianus Falto]], "A Concerned Citizen"
|description=A concerned citizen's open letter disparaging the Breton royal family
Can we be frank, just one citizen to another? It's dismayingly obvious that what we have left for a royal family here in {{Lore Link|Bangkorai}} is just not going to suffice. Nothing against the late King {{Lore Link|Eamond}}, who was a reasonably strong voice from the throne—though it was a shame the way he planned to allow Moneybags {{Lore Link|Emeric}} to get away with giving nominal rulership over the {{Lore Link|Fallen Wastes}} to {{Lore Link|Fahara'jad}} (who's never even been there, so far as I know).

However, now that Eamond's gone, we're in deeper trouble. Princess {{Lore Link|Elara}} acts more like a flighty {{Lore Link|Bosmer|Wood Elf}} than an honest {{Lore Link|Breton}} maid, and Prince {{Lore Link|Adrien}}—well, you've heard about his gambling debts, haven't you? And that he's a little too fond of the old spiced wine? All true, from what I've heard. In fact, that story about his half-{{Lore Link|Orc}} bastard might even be true too, so far as I know.

And as for Queen {{Lore Link|Arzhela}}, to be charitable, let's just say she isn't playing bowls with a full set of pins. Sewing with her thimble on the wrong finger. Fishing for mudcrabs without a net. You know, waltzing barefoot on oyster-shards with a duck egg, a nose-flute, and a nine-pound hammer. Got me?

So where does that leave us? Dangerously bereft of strong leadership, that's where. And I'm not about to accept another bird-brained, gift-wrapped import from {{Lore Link|Wayrest}}, I can tell you.

Where, then, can we turn? Personally, I've got my eye looking east, toward {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}}. The {{Lore Link|Empire}}'s a proven source of strong leaders when we Bretons are in the soup, going all the way back to Empress {{Lore Link|Hestra}}. And they worship the proper {{Lore Link|Eight Divines}}, too—none of your weird {{Lore Link|Tall Papa}}s or {{Lore Link|Malacath}}s for me, thank you very much.

The Empire. Think about it. I'm pretty sure you'll agree.
{{Book End}}
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