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Job #523: Standardize book pages
{{Lore Book
|description=A record of the sixth Champion of the Blessed Crucible
{{Lore Link|Whitebear (person)}} was the founder of the first organized gladiator clan, the {{Lore Link|Bear Clan}}, a group comprised mainly of {{Lore Link|Nord}}s. Since its founding, other renowned gladiators began to form their own clans, and thus the tradition of competing in organized groups was born. Curiously, despite the fact that they train, sleep, and live together, when clan members face one another in the arena, they will often fight harder, and offer no quarter to their fellow clansmen. For this is the sacred tradition of the gladiators of the {{Lore Link|Blessed Crucible}}.

Usurped: {{Lore Link|Lucius the Stalwart}}

Defeated By: {{Lore Link|Ferian Darkstorm}}
{{Book End}}
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