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Morrowind:Breathing Water

تم إضافة ٥٦١ بايت, ١٨:٤٤، ١٥ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #516: Optimize book templates
{{Game Book
|textnote=''[[Morrowind:Seryne Relas|Seryne Relas]], featured in this book, is the [[Morrowind:Master Trainers|Master Trainer]] of [[Morrowind:Alteration|Alteration]], and can be found at her house in [[Morrowind:Tel Branora|Tel Branora]].''
*[[Morrowind:Telasero|Telasero]], Lower Level
*[[Morrowind:Vivec (city)|Vivec]], [[Morrowind:Guild of Mages (Vivec)|Guild of Mages]] ([[Morrowind:Sirilonwe|Sirilonwe]]'s Chest)
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