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Morrowind:Letter to Senilias Cadiusus

تم إضافة ٨٢٣ بايت, ٠٧:٠٤، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #514: Convert to Game Book
{{Game Book
|author=Hasphat Antabolis
|quest=Nchuleftingth Expedition
Dearest [[Morrowind:Senilias Cadiusus|Senilias]],

The bearer of this note, <code>%PCName</code>, has provided useful service, and shown considerable resourcefulness. I have employed <code>%PCName</code> in retrieving an item from [[Morrowind:Arkngthand|Arkngthand]], so you can count on some familiarity with [[Morrowind:Dwemer Ruins|Dwemer ruins]]. If you have a place, I believe <code>%PCName</code> will give satisfaction.

If you have any luck, perhaps you'll use the bearer to send a note my way.

My best regards and affection to you and [[Morrowind:Pania_Cadiusus|Pania]],

[[Morrowind:Hasphat Antabolis|Hasphat Antabolis]]
{{Book End}}
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