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Morrowind:Journal of Tarhiel

تم إضافة ١٬١١٣ بايت, ٠٧:٠٣، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #514: Convert to Game Book
{{Game Book
|description=The ramblings of Tarhiel, inventor of the long-distance jumping spell
|loc=*[[Morrowind:Tarhiel|Tarhiel]]'s corpse north of [[Morrowind:Seyda Neen|Seyda Neen]]
I believe I may have found the correct formula for the spell I am developing. With it, I will be able to travel great distances without the need to pay others for the service.

If all goes well, I will test out the new spell tomorrow. I believe I have worked out all of the possible complications. It will allow me to leap great distances, covering many hundreds of miles. Never before has one been able to travel in this manner: vaulting from the ground, sailing through the sky, all without that terrible disorientation of a spell of flying.

The time is almost upon me. My research is finished, and all of my calculations are checked and rechecked. They laughed at me when I suggested this. We'll see who laughs after I leap to the top of their towers and scream out my success.
{{Book End}}
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