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Morrowind:Ascadian Isles Land Deed

تم إضافة ٩٦٨ بايت, ٠٧:٠١، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #514: Convert to Game Book
{{Game Book
|textnote=''Compare to [[Morrowind:Odral's Land Deed|Odral's Land Deed]], a forgery made by [[Morrowind:Odral Helvi|Odral Helvi]] that he wishes to replace this with.''
|quest=Erroneous Documents
|loc=*[[Morrowind:Vivec (city)|Vivec]] [[Morrowind:Vivec Hlaalu|Hlaalu]] Records, in a chest marked "(Ascadian Land Deeds)"
By the Grace of [[Morrowind:Almsivi|ALMSIVI]], Lords and Rulers of All

Know all [[Morrowind:Dunmer|Dunmer]] by these words that Muthsera [[Morrowind:Rovone Arvel|Rovone Arvel]] has sold the land south of [[Morrowind:Arvel Plantation|Arvel Manor]] and east of [[Morrowind:Pelagiad|Pelagiad]] to [[Morrowind:Orvas Dren|Orvas Dren]]. Rovone Arvel retains the right to one small farm near Pelagiad, currently held by [[Morrowind:Llovyn Andus|Llovyn Andus]]

Seal of the Buyer

Orvas Dren

Seal of the Seller

Rovone Arvel
{{Book End}}
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