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Morrowind:Ghost-Free Papers

تم إضافة ١٬٣٨٤ بايت, ٠٧:٠٢، ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #514: Convert to Game Book
{{Game Book
|author=[[Morrowind:Uleni Heleran|Uleni Heleran]]
|quest=Gateway Ghost
|loc=*Given by [[Morrowind:Uleni Heleran|Uleni Heleran]] in the [[Morrowind:Wolverine Hall|Wolverine Hall]] [[Morrowind:Mages Guild|Mages Guild]]
<nowiki>*Certification of Ghost-Free Hospitality *</nowiki>

By Authority of the Super Extra Very Sovereign Council of Mages Without Digits Within Bowels

Hereas the [[Morrowind:Gateway Inn|Gateway Inn]] and all its dark and secret places have been found to be completely free of spooks, boojums, snarks, spectral goats, revenant toiletries, or cannibal vampire anchovies,

Muthsera Mistress [[Morrowind:Dunmer|Dunmer]]-from-Far-Away Mage-Lady, Lord High Inspector of Hostelry for the Town of [[Morrowind:Sadrith Mora|Sadrith Mora]] aforesaid, does pronounce the Gateway Inn free and clean of all otherworldly, hostile, and malign entities, with the exception of the profound and displeasing odor that arises from the [[Morrowind:Angaredhel|Prefect of Hospitality]], which, despite the preternatural magnitude of its offensiveness, may well derive from altogether more mundane sources.


Muthsera Mistress Dunmer-from-Far-Away Mage-Lady

Representing the Super Extra Very Sovereign Council of Mages Without Digits Within Bowels
{{Book End}}
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